
Building a programming lang, other updates.

2024-06-14 · 5 min read

Or: in which JC builds a programming language based on everything she wants to learn, but with the completely unrealistic deadline of three weeks...

Saying bye to high school me.

2023-10-04 · 9 min read

In retrospect, my experience in high school was surprisingly unique...


2023-09-28 · 7 min read

Recently a couple of friends and I were talking about a potential winter trip to Japan. I was listening to The Chainsmoker's Paris and suggested it...

Taking a break! And other thoughts

2023-06-04 · 8 min read

I've been on a hiatus for the last couple of weeks (it was originally intended to be one week) and just wanted to write about what I've been doing...


2023-03-26 · 2 min read

I'm writing this on March 26, 2023, on an Amtrak back home. The last three days have been absolutely chaotic! I slept a record total of ten hours (and hey, I don't drink caffeine, so I think that's pretty impressive!)...

Epoch VT!

2023-01-01 · 5 min read

Break has been pretty crazy this year! I worked all day Christmas Eve, Christmas, and this Wednesday, and had a half shift yesterday (and today). That didn't leave me much to do, to be honest, but I did get a new portfolio site up and running with a custom HTTP server, which is pretty cool...

The joy of creating personal tools. Or: the joy of coding.

2022-11-10 · 3 min read

I wrote this blog post using a tool I just created: Markright - a minimal, Markdown-based writing tool that I created for my own personal use...

Building a basic Markdown parser.

2022-10-07 · 11 min read

As part of a ten-day challenge to work on building something cool, I'm writing a Markdown parser in JavaScript. I'm actually writing this on day three of the challenge, so I'll just skim over the last two days and start documenting the process together...

Geeking out over specs

2022-09-04 · 7 min read

When I started programming, I was using a Dell Inspiron 15 from 2013. I have upgraded since, thankfully. Currently, I am writing this on an HP Victus 15 with the following specs...

Building a Pokedex with React Native in forty-five minutes!

2022-09-03 · 43 min read

Let's build a Pokedex with React Native in forty-five minutes! You don't need to know any React Native before going through this, but you will need the following...

God, I'm missing my hometown.

2022-08-31 · 9 min read

I'm listening to Taylor Swift's Welcome to New York right now, and I'm getting really homesick. I remember singing this song in fourth grade for a school concert. Well, not by myself. I wouldn't have the guts for that. It was with the rest of the kids in my class...

How my summer went.

2022-08-16 · 7 min read

It's always nice to tell people how your summer went when your summer was exciting, and I don't have anybody to tell it to at the moment, so I'm just going to do a little bit of journaling here and say that so far, it's been great...

How I rebuilt this blog.

2022-07-28 · 5 min read

If you don't already know, I recently decided to rebuild my blog. Previously, I had used Jekyll, a Ruby tool designed for writing blogs and their default theme for GitHub Pages with a couple of tweaks. This time, I decided to build a blog application myself - one that would allow me to...

Lessons learned regarding building.

2022-03-11 · 1 min read

Some things I've learned regarding building (not programming), especially in an collaborative environment...

Technologies I'm planning to learn this year!

2022-01-07 · 3 min read

It's a new year! For me, that means choosing a new set of technologies to learn. This year, I'm planning on learning everything I'll need to become a full-stack web developer...